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Stand Up For Mental Health™ Is Everywhere!

Mental Health organizations across North America hire David to run Stand Up For Mental Health in their communities. He trains the comics via Skype and then flies in at the end of the course to perform with the group. He has given Stand-Up For Mental Health™ trainings and shows in partnership with mental health organizations across the US in states like Colorado, Alaska, Connecticut, Texas, Arkansas, California, Oregon, Massachusetts, Illinois, Virginia, Michigan, Arizona, Washington, Virginia, Kentucky, New York, and in provinces across Canada. “There’s something amazing about having members your community take the stage at an event and rock the house,” says Granirer. It’s incredibly empowering and a great way of fighting public stigma. Most so-called normal people would never want to go anywhere near stand-up comedy. Seeing people with mental illness do it forces the audience to re-evaluate their perceptions of and prejudices against people who have mental health issues.” Click here for information on how to run Stand Up For Mental Health™ in your city

About Stand Up For Mental Health™

What’s so funny about mental health?  according to Counselor, Mental Health Comedian, and Stand Up Comic David Granirer pretty much everything!!!!


In David’s Stand Up For Mental Health™ course, people with mental health and addictions issues turn their problems into stand up comedy, then perform their acts at conferences, treatment centers, psych wards, for various mental health organizations, corporations, government agencies, on college and university campuses, and most importantly for the general public.

The Power of Stand Up Comedy!

“We use comedy to give people with mental health issues a powerful voice and help reduce the stigma and discrimination around mental illness,” says Granirer. “The idea is that laughing at our setbacks raises us above them. It makes people go from despair to hope, and hope is crucial to anyone struggling with adversity. Studies prove that hopeful people are more resilient and also tend to live longer, healthier lives.”

Granirer, who suffers from bipolar, got the idea for Stand Up For Mental Health™ from watching students in his Langara College Stand-Up Comedy Clinic course. “Though Stand-Up Comedy Clinic isn’t intended as therapy, I’ve had students overcome long standing depressions and phobias, not to mention increasing their confidence and self-esteem. There’s something incredibly healing about telling a roomful of people exactly who you are and having them laugh and cheer.”

Stand Up For Mental Health™ trains groups throughout North America and Australia in partnership with dozens of different mental health organizations. Click here to partner with David and bring Stand Up For Mental Health to your community.

“There’s something amazing about having members your community take the stage at an event and rock the house,” says mental health comedian Granirer. It’s incredibly empowering and a great way of fighting public stigma. Most so-called normal people would never want to go anywhere near stand up comedy. Seeing people with mental illness do it forces the audience to re-evaluate their perceptions of and prejudices against people who have a mental illness.”

Stand Up For Mental Health™ gives programs throughout North America and Australia, everywhere but the Vancouver, B.C. area. If you’re interested in our Vancouver B.C area programs click here to go to the SMH Comedy Society website.