Latest News
- It’s official! David has just received a Meritorious Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada
- For those of you in Sydney Australia, check out our show at the Town Hall on October 30
- Check our media page for a cool article about our show in Sydney, Australia!
- Our show in Sydney Australia is coming up on October 30 at 7 pm at the Town Hall! More info
- We were just featured in an awesome USA Today article on stigma. It’s on our media page, check it out!
- Our new WSMH (WISE Stand Up For Mental Health) group starts next week. We’re training 9 new comics for a show at the Sydney Town Hall on Oct 31. Stay tuned!
- Our Australia group, WISE Stand Up For Mental Health (WISE Employment is our partner in Australia) just won a Rotary Shine On Award for Special Achievement in Mental Health!
- Some more cool media stories just added to our media page about David’s work teaching comedy to a group of sex trade workers
- CTV National News just did this great piece on us. Take a look on our media page.
- David’s Australia SMH group sponsored by WISE Employment begins training via Skype on August 5. Their show is at the Edge theatre in Melbourne on October 25.
- David is training our 2nd SMH group with the Tacoma Area Coalition of Persons With Disabilities funded by Optum Health. The training starts tomorrow.
- Tickets for our Melbourne WISE/SMH show on October 25 just went on sale today!
- David will be training an SMH group to perform at the New York Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (NYAPRS) on September 11. The training begins at end end of July
- SMH and NAMI Albuquerque have just received a 3-year grant from the ISORA Foundation to run 3 classes over the next three years focusing on youth over 18.
- David is preparing his SMH Phoenix group for a show at a conference in Phoenix put on by the Recovery Empowerment Network on August 28